All questions answered on the different visas required to enter Spain


What visas foreigners need to enter Spain?

There are several visa options which enable foreigners to enter Spain therefore anyone intending to enter Spanish territory must have the corresponding visa, either in transit to another country, stay visa or, where appropriate, a residence visa.

What is a visa?

A visa is applied to the passport of those who intend to enter a certain country in the form of a stamp (or glued) and in some countries the visa can be electronic.

A visa is a conditional authorization granted by a certain territory to a foreigner, allowing them to enter, remain within, or to leave that territory and is granted by diplomatic and consular representatives and in certain cases, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Visas may include limits on the duration of the foreigner's stay, areas within the country they may enter, the dates they may enter, the number of permitted visits or an individual's right to work in the country in question.


What are the necessary documents for European Union citizens?

Entry of a citizen of the European Union into Spanish territory is be carried out with the passport or valid identity document showing the nationality of the holder.

Members of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement of the European Economic Area can enter with a valid identity number and valid passport, also requiring the corresponding entry visa for Spain.  The issuance of these visas are free.


What are the different types of visas to enter Spain?

1.     Transit visa

A transit visa enables you to transit through the international transit area of a Spanish airport or to cross Spanish territory.

2.     Stay visa

Stay visas allow an uninterrupted stay or successive stays for a period or sum of periods whose total duration does not exceed three months per semester from the date of first entry.

3.     Non-profit residence visa

The Non-profit residence visa enables you to reside without exercising work or professional activity.

4.     Residence and work visa

During the authorisation period of a work visa, the applicant can stay for a maximum period of three months and can conduct the authorised professional activity. The worker must be registered with Social Security in order to validate the work authorization. If after this period the applicant has not been registered, the applicant will be obliged to leave.

5.     Seasonal residence and work visa

Enables you to work as an employee for up to nine months in a period of twelve consecutive months.

6.     Study visa

Enables you to stay in Spain to carry out courses, studies, research or training work, student exchanges, unpaid internships or volunteer services.

7.     Research visa

Enables you to stay in Spain to carry out research projects within the framework of a host agreement signed with a research organisation.

8.     Golden Visa

The golden visa is a residence visa for investment in real estate or for buying a home in Spain. Foreigners who prove the acquisition of real estate in Spain with an investment value equal to or greater than € 500,000 may apply for The Golden Visa.


What are the main visa application requirements?

The visa application and its collection must be made in person at the Diplomatic or Consular Office where the applicant resides.

The possibility of doing so through an authorized representative is admitted when it comes to transit, stay or residence visas for family reunification of minors.

When making the visa application, a certain fee must be paid however in the case of the application being denied, the fee will not be reimbursed.

The rest of the necessary requirements must be consulted at the Diplomatic or Consular Office where the visa is requested as each case depends on the type of visa and the applicant’s country of origin.

How does the issuance of the visa work?

The applicant must collect the visa within two months from the notification of acceptance. If the visa issued is for residence, work or studies, the holder must obtain a foreigner identity card within one month of entering Spain.

In the case of investor visas, the processing of residence authorizations are carried out by the Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Collectivos Estratégicos (Large Companies and Strategic Groups Unit) and it is possible to process the application electronically which will be granted by La Dirección General de Migraciones (Directorate of Migration).

The maximum term of resolution will be approximately twenty days from the presentation of the request.

If the applicant has not received a response from the authorities within the said period, it means the application has been accepted. If the authorities answer you with a negative response, along with the motives, it may be subject to an appeal.

What happens if a visa is denied?

Any visa refusal or entry application must be justified.

Applicants will receive a refusal notification indicating why the visa was denied and why the requirements weren’t been met such as for reasons of public order safety or public health.

These reasons will be made known to the interested party unless contrary to the security of the State.

While the Diplomatic or Consular Offices must notify the interested party when a decision has been made to deny a visa, they are not obliged to explain the motives, except in the case of residence visas for family reunification or for employed persons.

Appeals can be filed against the denial before the Diplomatic or Consular Office within one month, and a contentious-administrative appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid within two months.


How Can Encantada Help?

Spanish administration and bureaucracy can be complex and time consuming, particularly if you don’t speak the language.

Encantada are here to assist you every step of the way: an English expat and a Spanish lawyer, we as a team have the perfect combination of legal and practical know-how and language skills to be able to sort out anything on your behalf.

We will go the extra mile to make your move run smoothly and have you settled in and enjoying Spanish life in the shortest time possible and with the least amount of stress.

We are on hand to assist you upon your arrival however if you would like everything ready for your arrival, Encantada are able to work under power of attorney on your behalf.

If you require some assistance on this matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below:


What Long-term Visa Options are there to Reside in Spain?


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