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All the Paperwork you will need to move to Spain Explained

If you are thinking about moving to Valencia, or any other parts of Spain, it is important that you are prepared and informed on what paperwork you will need. This article outlines and explains the different documents that are essential to becoming a temporary or permanent legal resident here in Valencia and any other part of Spain.

Here is the list of the important documents you will require for your move to Spain:

  • NIE

  • TIE

  • Registration Certificate

  • Social Security number

  • Health Insurance

NIE (Número Identidad Extranjero)

What is a NIE?

The NIE is a Foreigner Identity Number, which is the identification number assigned to any foreigner living in Spain. Presenting a NIE is essential to carry out any administration procedures, as well as serving as a personal identification number.

What do you need a NIE for?

You will need a NIE for administration procedures and any professional or economic activity in Spain. For example, a NIE is required when buying a house or renting an apartment, setting up a business, studying or working in Spain. It is also necessary to open a bank account, set up a telephone and internet line, register with social security, buying a car and much more, even to accept parcel deliveries at home!

Where can you get a NIE in Valencia?

The only place where you can request a NIE number in Valencia is at “La Comisaría” (Police station) where you will have to make an appointment in advance online and present certain official forms and documents, as well as pay a small fee to obtain it.


TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero)

What is a TIE?

The TIE, is a Foreigner Identity Card, which proves the legal residence status of a foreigner, and is necessary for those who are not citizens of the European Union.

The TIE card has both the NIE identification number printed on it and a photo of the holder.

Citizens of a country that are not part of the EU must carry their TIE card at all times.

Where can you get a TIE?

The TIE is processed at the Foreigners Office or at the Police Station of the town where you reside. You will also need to present certain official forms and documents, as well as pay a small fee to obtain it.


What’s the Difference Between NIE and TIE?

Our clients often come to us very confused about this! We confirm that NIE and TIE are completely different entities.

 The NIE is the Foreigner Identification Number, while the TIE is the Foreigner Identification Card. Just as Spanish citizens have an identity number that is shown on their DNI card, foreigners also have a number that identifies them.

Here are the main differences between NIE and TIE:

-       The NIE is granted automatically when you start a procedure or contact the Administration. You must request the TIE and it will be delivered at the time you are granted your residence permit in Spain.

-       They can take away your Foreigners Identity Card but not your NIE. A simple example is when you commit a crime and lose your residence permit, you will not be able to legally reside in Spain, however you will still have your NIE. 

-       The NIE does not certify that you legally reside in Spain. The TIE does.

-       The TIE is a document (Resident Card), while the NIE is a number (presented on a green card), which only has administrative effects. 

The Census Registration Certificate

What is a registration certificate?

 The registration certificate is an essential document required to be able to access to public services such as health or education.

It is an official document in which the place of residence is indicated and is very necessary, especially if someone is not a citizen of the European Union.

Where can you get a registration certificate?

 To request the census registration certificate, you must go to the Town Hall of your city and fill out the registration form and submit it.  At the same time, you will be asked for documents that validate the registration that you are going to request.

Social Security Number

Why do you need a social security number?

 A social security number is vital if you are planning to work legally in Spain. In fact, it is so important that it is also needed for paid internships. This is because companies are required by law to legally hire a worker and register them with their social security number.

 Any citizen, employee or self-employed person who does not have it may request a Social Security Number.

 An employer must request the Social Security Number of a future employee should they not have one,

 The application and required documentation must be submitted before the Tesoreria General de la Seguridad Social Treasury General of Social Scurity) or the administration of the address of the citizen or company depending on the case

Health Insurance

Why do you need a private healthcare plan to obtain residency in Spain?

To obtain residency in Spain, you must be able to prove that you will not be a burden to the state and provide documents detailing a health insurance plan with wide coverage.

While there is free medical care in Spain, the people who can benefit from it must already be contributing to social security. For this reason, before obtaining residency, you must have a good healthcare plan.

 The services must be comprehensive, without limit of expenses and include repatriation to be accepted within the health requirements of the government to grant residency.

The forms of payment can be made on a monthly or annual basis, but the contract must be valid for a minimum of one year.

How Can Encantada Help?

Spanish administration and bureaucracy can be complex and time consuming, particularly if you don’t speak the language.

Encantada are here to assist you every step of the way: an English expat and a Spanish lawyer, we as a team have the perfect combination of legal and practical know-how and language skills to be able to sort out anything on your behalf.

We will go the extra mile to make your move run smoothly and have you settled in and enjoying Spanish life in the shortest time possible and with the least amount of stress.

We are on hand to assist you upon your arrival however if you would like everything ready for your arrival, Encantada are able to work under power of attorney on your behalf.

If you require some assistance on this matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below:

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